6 résultats affichés

Breeze Island

From: $4.50
Ingrédients : Papaye, ananas, raisin vert, noix de cajou rôtie non-salées pistache décortiquée, amande décortiquée, chips de banane, chips de noix de coco  
Gluten free non gmo  

Fusion de baies

From: $4.50
Ingrédients : Arachides, graines de citrouille, raisin doré, canneberge, graines de tournesol, noix de cajou non-salées rôties, bleuet  
Gluten free non gmo  

Maïs BBQ

From: $3.99

Product & Description:

Nutly BBQ Corn Nuts are very tasty and full of flavor, you will be addicted! They are crunchy and light with BBQ flavors which can be pair with a cold drink These BBQ toasted corn can be a great snack at your workplace, just keep a pack near your desk to stay away from the annoying desires of your day. Our BBQ toasted corn is rich in fiber with delicious taste Ingredients: Corn, Palm Oil, Barbecue Flavoring  
Gluten free non gmo    


From: $4.50
Ingrédients : Amandes RNS, Canneberge, graine de citrouille, chocolat, arachide, pistache décortiquée, raisin  
Gluten free non gmo