Since this useful and valuable material has many advantages, Nutly attempted to use saffron in more products to make its products special. High and good interaction with the best farmers is the reason for the high quality of our raw materials.
For more clarity and awareness, we will give a brief definition of saffron, its benefits, storage method .
Saffron is one of the most expensive spices, in addition to its wonderful taste, has many properties. That is why Nutly uses this spice in its products.
What is Saffron?
Expensive spice Saffron called “Red Gold” has been known since ancient times with its color, taste and medicinal properties, which is widely used in Iran and many parts of the world and has been one of the most expensive ingredients in the world throughout history.
95% of the world’s saffron is produced and exported in Iran.
Saffron with incredible properties is traditionally grown in Khorasan Razavi province, cities (Gonabad, Ghaenat and Torbat Heydariyeh), regions in Northeastern Iran with ideal subtropical climates that have mild winters and hot and dry summers. The saffron flower first appears in early autumn. The flower cover consists of three sepals and three petals of purple color. In the Zagros Mountains, Saffron is a valuable spice with the scientific name Crocus Sativus from the Iridaceous family.
This exotic spice is additionally cultivated in southern Europe and is currently practiced in several countries round the world, particularly in Kingdom of Spain, Italy, France, Greece, Turkey, Iran, and in Asian country and geographical region.
Saffron has a distinct aroma that contains compounds that distinguish this valuable plant from other plants. Its compounds such as Picrocrocin (flavor enhancer) and Safranal (aroma enhancer) and Crocetin (color enhancer). These properties, beside its healthful properties, create it a valuable component in several foods round the world. The higher the purity of saffron, the greater its coloring power and also the better the taste.
Main properties of saffron
Saffron is effective for improving asthma, sore throat and cough. It is also suitable for insomnia, vomiting, flatulence, depression, anxiety, memory control, Alzheimer’s disease, labor pains, a skin condition called psoriasis, and dry skin and cancer.
For menstrual cramps and premenstrual syndrome, females use saffron. Saffron is also used by men to reduce premature ejaculation and infertility.
Saffron is also used to stimulate sweating, improve libido and improve blood sugar.
Possible Health Benefits of Saffron
Saffron’s possible health benefits were enough for Nutly to use it in more products
Strong antioxidant
Saffron contains important amounts of plant compounds that act as antioxidants. Notable antioxidants in saffron embrace Crocin, Crocetin and Safranal.
Crocin and crocetin are antioxidant pigments that cause the yellowing of saffron.
each compound has medication properties, serving to brain cells with progressive harm, inflammation, loss of craving and weight loss like tea leaf.
The Safranal in saffron distinguishes the style of saffron. analysis shows that saffron in saffron helps improve your mood, memory and brain, and might additionally defend your brain cells from aerophilic stress.
Insomnia treatment
Saffron has natural sedative properties.
When you suffer from insomnia, it is better to pour a little saffron in water and drink it like syrup.
To treat insomnia, take 3 or 4 strands of saffron and put them in a cup of warm milk. Drink this hot drink every day before bed.
Improve depressive symptoms and moods
Studies show that consuming 30 mg of saffron daily is just as effective as fluoxetine, imipramine and citalopram in conventional treatments for depression.
Many women who suffer from postpartum depression get rid of depression within just 6 weeks by consuming saffron.
Cancer prevention and fight
Regular use of saffron helps prevent cell mutations and cancer, stops the growth of many cancerous tumors and improves the healing process.
Cancer is spontaneously controlled by controlling the production of free radicals and strengthening the immune system.
Treatment of diabetes and blood sugar
Manganese is present in saffron.
Manganese in saffron can significantly reduce blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes.
Saffron quercetin can also increase the tolerance to insulin and help lower blood sugar in people with diabetes.
Decreased appetite and weight loss
According to research, saffron helps prevent excessive appetite.
According to eight- to seven-week studies on women, consuming saffron instead of soft drinks significantly reduced women’s weight and eliminated lumps around the waist and abdomen.
Reduce the risk of heart disease
Saffron is joyful and makes the heart stronger.
Saffron prevents the growth of blood cholesterol, triglycerides, and fats and prevents their arterial deposition.
Saffron also decreases the position of blood clots in the heart and avoids damage to the heart muscle in patients with heart attacks. For regulating the heart rate, the potassium in saffron is very useful and protects the heart by lowering the heart rate.
Improve vision
Saffron has one of the key elements in preventing vision loss and blindness. Saffron has many effects on genes that control visual cell activity.
According to this study, saffron extract not only protects the photoreceptor cells in the eye from destruction, but also can prevent diseases such as macular degeneration and inflammation of the retinal pigments and also improve them and prevent the progression of eye diseases and regenerate cells.
The eye is damaged. Consumption of saffron in the diet prevents the development of genetic eye diseases and is also recommended for the elderly and people with eye diseases to eat it in a healthy way.
Alzheimer’s treatment
Saffron in adults with Alzheimer’s disease may enhance memory.
Saffron quercetin is effective for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.
Studies have also shown that saffron can improve memory, and in treating Alzheimer’s and dementia, the crocin and crocetin in it are beneficial. Moreover, the role of saffron as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant has been demonstrated.
Treatment of fatty liver
Due to its high content of antioxidants, saffron has anti-inflammatory properties that can help detoxify and cleanse your liver, especially fatty liver, and reduce the risk of fatty liver disease and liver enlargement.
Why is Saffron expensive?
A lot of hard work to produce Saffron
To get one kilo of pure saffron, we need about 100,000 to 200,000 saffron flowers. That is, if we use the size of two football fields of the saffron plant, we can hope to get one kilogram of pure saffron. Each saffron flower has only 3 stigmas. Picking stigmas is done by hand and is a sensitive task.
Requires specific climate
Saffron is not grown in any land. For example, soil pH and other chemical factors play an important role in the growth of saffron plant. Climatic conditions such as cold and humidity and proper fertilizer also play a role in the processing of saffron plant.
Storing Saffron
The best way to store saffron is in a dark, dry, cool environment away from light and moisture.
The best containers for saffron are first metal containers and then colored glass containers.
Plastic containers are not suitable for storage because the essential oil and quality of saffron are reduced in a short time.
If saffron is consumed in powder form, it gives more color.
For better saffron pulverization, it is better to pulverize it with small mortars made of marble.
Storing saffron is important because in case of improper storage, its essential flavoring evaporates over time and its medicinal effects, taste and quality are reduced .
Saffron Shelf life
Saffron can be stored for several years, but since the aroma and properties of saffron decrease over time, we recommend that you try to consume your saffron for a maximum of 2 years.